Thursday, 28 February 2013

Make Your Own Dubstep Song Free Online

Make Your Own Dubstep Song Free Online

Chord symbols are frequently used as a type of notation, and are commonly found in many types of modern music and some forms of jazz. Chord symbols do not display the function of the chord, which makes them different from, for instance, classical music. In jazz music, for example, the Roman numerals that are used can often be difficult to read when the piece contains lots of changes.The RootUnder some circumstances the chord will have a root that is NOT the base note. As an example, in the E6 chord, the root will be E. If, however, there is a diagonal slash below the original symbol, then the chord's symbol note will differ from the root note. The root is what points the musician in the direction, of, obviously, the root of the chord. You must also bear in mind that chord symbols also take into account inverted chords.QualityIn the symbol Cmaj7 - the maj is telling us that the C chord is a major chord. As you might expect, the abbreviations relate directly to the type of chord: maj, min, dim and aug. This will tell you whether the chord you are looking at is major, minor, diminished or augmented.ExtensionThis is the part which informs the musician if the chord differs from a triad (a third chord). In the example above, Cmaj7, the chord is therefore a seventh. Quite often, you will find that there is no number in the extension position. In this case, the musician is to assume that the chord is a triad.AlterationJust like the appendix in a book, the alterations in any chord symbols are there to give any specific (and often seemingly irregular) instructions to the player as they play the chord. You will see the alteration written in parenthesis immediately after the extension. Below is a brief explanation of some of the most common alterations:(no fifth) the chord must be played with the fifth tone removed.(sus) signifies that the musician is to play the fourth scale note over the third. Sus is simply an abbreviation for suspension.(-) usually followed by a number, the minus sign refers to the lowering of a chord tone.(+) the opposite of the minus sign, and therefore refers to the rise of a particular chord toneWhen you look at a piece of sheet music, instead of seeing the music note for note, you will be able to understand more of the direction in which the music is going. Even better is the accompanying ability to improvise and make your own sounds the beginning of a wonderful relationship between you and your music. Being able to read these chord tones will serve the musician in much the same way as a legends list on a map serves a lost navigator.

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Find out more: Make Your Own Dubstep Song Free Online

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