Monday 11 March 2013

Hip Hop Beat Maker Machine

Hip Hop Beat Maker Machine

I am going to discuss the differences between a hip hop producer and a hip hop beat maker. When you first hear these two terms they seem very similar, someone who works with music for the hip hop artists. However when you look further into it, it appears that there are some differences between the two.A hip hop beat maker is a musician who creates instrumental music, but a producer takes the job to the next level. A producer makes it his job to work with the artists and to make sure that they are getting more than just a hip hop beat. A hip hop beat makers job most likely stops after he is done making and selling his music. Hip hop producers have the difficult job in doing the middle man work: communicating with rappers, recording rappers, and dealing with all things that come up when working with hip hop artists.I wanted to know what other people were saying about hip hop producers and beat makers so I signed up for some hip hop forums online and looked at what other people were saying:"What exactly do you mean by hip hop producer? There's people who call themselves producers but just make beats... Then there's people who call themselves producers and record noise, then there's the guys who are producers who work with an artist to help them achieve their musical goals by creating the instrumentals, and working with them on how to achieve the proper vocal performance. This is where the producer shines, he knows how to not only make music but also combine it with an artists talents.""I think that a lot of us beat makers and producers what ever you want to call it, are just trying to do what ever they can to make music and to show it to the world I mean... Its hard to produce an artist that lives 2000 miles away... I produce artists in my area because I can work with them one on one... Online its more about showcasing ones music and getting feed back or whatever your in the game for: money, fame, recognition. Just my two cents.

hip hop beat maker machine

Find out more: Hip Hop Beat Maker Machine

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